Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Who's Idea Was This Anyway?

Whiskeytown Relay Race

It has been a few years, but we decided to try the Whiskeytown relay race again. Almost 20 miles around the lake and we ran it. It was a huge accomplishment and it was tough but we can say it was fun, now that it is over! Lisa ran the first leg 4.5 miles mostly uphill, Angie ran the second leg 5.5 miles, I ran the 3rd leg 4.5 miles and the super athlete Lori ran the last leg 6.3. We didn't excatly win the race but we weren't last either. The name of our team was "Who's Idea Was This Anyway?".

1 comment:

Megan Bonnin said...

how fun! Good for you guys! You deserve lots of treats after that! What a gorgeous day that was too!