Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful relaxing Christmas morning at our house. Papa and Grandma Dee and Grandma Charlotte came over at 7:30 a.m. to watch the kids open their presents. Grandma Charlotte brought over a really yummy Blueberry coffee cake so we used that as Baby Jesus' birthday cake. Then they left for awhile and then came back for dinner at 2 p.m. Along with Auntie Shirley, Uncle Glenn and my cousin Justin. We made tacos, our new Christmas dinner favorite. It was really nice to not have to go any where all day, as the kids just wanted to stay home and play.


Grateful Disciple said...

Merry Christmas to you too! Thanks for your note on facebook, I hope you check for comments, or are notified of comments so that you get this soon. I am drinking my mocha and thinking of you. We need to make our summer plan soon and I want to know what you got for Christmas!

Amber said...

Hey Lady,
Merry Christmas! Looking at lights from the limo, kids must have loved that!

Love & blogging,